This dedicated space will seek to offer a solution to Columbians who value the tradition and history of cigars. In some cases the tradition is passed from generation to generation, continuing the deep connection of cigar smoking and family, both in leisure and business. It is the importance of tradition and history that many cigar smokers embrace, which are at the core of Columbia Club’s heritage, and speaks to the significance of having this private “smokers haven” for Columbians.
Located on the rooftop of the Columbia Club, we envision a year-round dedicated space that will cater to Columbians who savor the opportunity to escape for a brief moment from the daily pressures and instead focus on how their cigar tastes, smells and is constructed. Upscale wicker lounge furnishings along with gas firepits will adorn this casual but contemporary space featuring both indoor and outdoor seating options that will offer views of the city and starlit nights.
This escape will feature a walk-in temperature-controlled humidor. Not only will the Club offer a menu of cigars, but members will have the opportunity to secure a personal cigar locker to store their private collections.